The doctors and staff of this surgery want to provide you with a good service. But sometimes things do go wrong, and you may want to complain, or maybe just tell us about your concerns or suggest improvements.
If you have any suggestions, please let us know. Your suggestions, compliments and complaints will help us to provide you with a better service.
Please be assured that all your comments and complaints will be handled with complete discretion and that confidentiality will be maintained at all times. All information regarding your complaint will be handled in compliance with the Data Protection Act If you are unable to make your complaint yourself, anyone acting on your behalf would need to have your written authority. Where a patient is unable to give written consent, we will need evidence that you are their next of kin, or have their agreement, before we proceed. You and your family will not be penalised, nor will your healthcare be adversely affected by making a complaint.
How to make a complaint
If you do decide to make a formal complaint, letters should be addressed to the Practice Manager or the Senior Partner.
We will then:
- Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 working days.
- Investigate your complaint.
- Offer to meet with you to discuss the matter in more detail, if this is appropriate.
- Offer a full, written explanation within 30 working days. If for any reason we are unable to obtain all the necessary information within that time scale we will keep you informed of the reasons for delay.
The aim of the NHS Complaints Procedure is to resolve problems locally whenever possible. If you remain dissatisfied you may ask for an independent review of your complaint by writing to the Independent Review Secretariat. This needs to be done within 28 days of the final letter you receive about your complaint. Further details can be provided by Swansea Local Health Board (see below).
An independent Lay Conciliator can be provided to help facilitate a meeting between yourself and the Practice. You may also wish to bring a friend or relative with you.
Time limits
It is important that you make your complaint as soon as possible after the problem arises. Usually the NHS will only investigate complaints that are either:
- Made within 6 months of the event; or
- Made within 6 months of you realising that you have something to complain about, as long as that is not more than 12 months after the event itself.
Help in making your complaint
The Community Health Council is independent of the NHS and can offer help, advice and advocacy. You can contact the CHC at:
First Floor
Cimla Hospital
Neath SA11 3SU
Tel: 01639 683490
If you feel unable to deal directly with the Practice, or if you require more information about the NHS Complaints Procedure, you can write to:
Chief Executive
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board
1 Talbot Gateway
Baglan Energy Park
Port Talbot
SA12 7BR
Telephone: 01639 683363/683316